Faux Fur Vest

cute fall outfit faux fur

One accessory that I get excited for each fall and winter is a faux fur vest. I typically incorporate one into my wardrobe each year (this year it was two..oops!). But of all my faux fur vests, this is definitely the most unique. A lighter layer, this faux fur vest is perfect for this time of the year. Although, I see myself wearing this all fall and winter, too.

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Four Fall Favorites on Sale

chambray dress fall outift

With the start of the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale in the books, it really has me ready for fall. After searching the sale up and down for the past week, it’s amazing how many pieces come back each year. These reoccurring pieces are typically clones from previous seasons, but sometimes they have a slightly different design. Today, I’m talking about four fall favorites on sale during this year’s Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.

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