4 Healthy Spins on Fall Comfort Food

4 Healthy Spins on Fall Comfort Food

With fall just around the corner, we are entering the time of year when I start to crave comfort food. Well, let’s be honest. There are some comfort foods I crave year-round! And as much as I would love to eat these comfort foods ALL.THE.TIME., it’s not very realistic. Today, I am rounding up four of my favorite healthy spins on fall comfort food. These recipes make you think you are enjoying the traditional recipe, without all the guilt.

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Buffalo Chicken Cauliflower Rice

buffalo chicken cauliflower rice

These days, I feel like a cauliflower rice expert. Richard has been embracing the Keto diet for about two months now. I lasted a little over a week (haha – I can’t live without carbs!) but I’m so impressed with his commitment to this lifestyle change. Dinners can be challenging, but cauliflower rice has become one of our best friends. It’s something he can eat while on Keto and something I actually like. Whether it’s served as a side or as the main course, this buffalo chicken cauliflower rice is a new favorite.

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